Little Rockets Childcare
'aiming higher, together'
Policy statement
In order to maintain the highest standards in our setting, employees are encouraged to raise serious concerns about possible malpractice, in good faith, and be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation. Examples include – criminal offences, health and safety of an individual, damage to the environment, sexual or physical abuse of any worker or child, discrimination based on disability, concealing information about any of these examples etc.
Where a complaint of malpractice is received under the Whistle Blowing Policy, the following procedure shall apply when investigating the allegations made:
Where an allegation of malpractice is raised with the Manager (Amanda Saunders at Langney nursery or Keely Poolton at Eastbourne) she will immediately nominate a suitable person to carry out an investigation, or carry out the investigation herself.
A written acknowledgement of the concern will be sent within 5 working days, setting out:
1. who is handling the investigation
2. how that person can be contacted
3. whether further assistance may be needed.
The person investigating must write to the complainant within 5 working days, summarising the allegations made.
Financial irregularity will not be investigated under the Whistle Blowing Policy.
The investigating person will:
1. conduct the investigation
2. comply with the Human Rights Act, 1998
3. where anonymity is requested, ensure that every effort is made to guarantee such confidentiality
4. propose an action plan for improvement, where this is necessary
5. report the outcome to the Manager and Registered Provider/Owner
6. update the complainant of the progress made.
A central register will be kept of all complaints received. This shall be reviewed annually to identify the number of complaints, the outcome of each investigation including action plans for improvement.
If a satisfactory conclusion has not been reached at this stage or if the person bringing the complaint would rather, then outside agencies can be contacted directly e.g. Ofsted, The Police etc.
Where a complaint of malpractice is to be made against the Manager or her Deputy, the following procedure shall apply:
● The complainant will contact the Spoa (Single Point of Advice) directly on 01323 464222 or by email at
0-19.SPOA@eastsussex.gov.uk or
0-19.SPOA@eastsussex.gcsx.gov.uk and this information will be passed on to the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)
● If the complaint is being made out of hours then the LADO can be contacted on 07825 782793 or by email at: amanda.glover@eastsussex.gov.uk
● If the complaint is being made out of hours, and is a serious enough concern that it cannot wait until the following morning, then the Emergency Duty Service should be contacted on 01273 335906 or 01273 335905.