Little Rockets Childcare
'aiming higher, together'
Allergic Reaction Policy
Policy Statement:
All staff at Little Rockets will be made aware of children’s allergies and they are printed and put on display around the nursery. The parents are required to inform staff of their child’s allergies and how to deal with them appropriately. Staff are given training periodically on the signs and symptoms of allergic reactions.
• Information passed on through parents from the registration form regarding allergic reactions and allergies will be shared with all staff in the nursery
• The nursery manager must carry out a full Allergy Risk Assessment Procedure with the parent prior to the child starting the nursery. The information must then be shared with all staff
• If a child has an allergic reaction to food, a bee sting, plant etc., a First Aid trained member of staff will administer the appropriate treatment and parents must be informed
• A sick child needs above all its parent/guardian; therefore every effort will be made to contact him/her as soon as possible
• If the allergic reaction is severe a member of staff will summon an ambulance immediately. DO NOT attempt to transport the sick/injured child in your own vehicle
• Whilst waiting for the ambulance, contact the parent/guardian and arrange to meet them at the hospital
• A senior member of staff must accompany the child and collect together registration forms, relevant medication sheets, medication and child’s comforter
• Staff must remain calm at all times; children who witness an allergic reaction/accident may well be affected by it and may need lots of cuddles and